Our gym that has allowed us to experiment and learn without giving up the direct line to our beautiful Italy. We started in 1989 with a weekend in Copenhagen followed by France, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, England, Scotland …

some pictures:

l’elenco delle fotografie:

Copenhagen 1989 —- Loira and Mont Saint Michel 1992 —- Norway 1999
Praha 2001 —- Evian 2005 —- San Petersburg 2005
Malaga 2006 —- Wien 2007 —- Berlin 2007
Edimburgh 2007 —- Helsinki 2008 —-Lisbona 2008
Dachau 2008—-Nuremberg 2008  London 2008
Costa Azzurra 2009—- Scandinavia 2011 —- Istambul 2012 
Gran Canaria 2018 Islanda 2019